What does it mean to “Be The First”?

In the mid 19th century, women were not allowed to vote, married women had no property rights and husbands had legal control over their wives. In spite of or, perhaps, inspired by these limitations, six young women at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia were in search of “mental, moral, social, and domestic improvement.” They founded the very first secret society for college women, which became known as Alpha Delta Pi.  Because ADPi’s founders were the first to establish a sorority for women, paving the way for many more to come, we say “Be the First” as a tribute to them, but also to inspire the members of our sisterhood to be leaders and trailblazers like the founding members of Alpha Delta Pi. 

We’ve come a long way since 1851! Take a moment to celebrate the empowering, inspiring, extraordinary women in your life, and don’t forget to recognize your own accomplishments and little victories. 

We asked our sisters what “Be The First” means to them and here’s what they said:

Rachel Zorer (AC ‘22)

As a first-generation student, I had no idea about sororities or recruitment going into college. During my first semester, I became friends with some girls in ADPi and they were all so genuine and friendly that it made me want to learn more about the chapter. I COB’d in Spring and I immediately knew it was the place for me. I found it to be such a warm and welcoming environment and I just loved everyone I met. To me, “Be the First” means not being afraid to try new things and to create your own path, whether that’s being the first person in your family to go to college, join a sorority, or move out of state. Our motto reminds me to have the confidence in myself to do hard things and to strive towards achieving my goals.

Hayley Knoll ( AC ‘22) 

       In my life I have always been a trailblazer and stood up for what I believed in even when it was uncomfortable. “Be the First” means taking a stand and choosing the difficult path even when met with resistance. I see this quality in all of the wonderful women I have made connections with through this organization. We all strive for excellence and continue to break molds within our community, professional, and personal lives. When it comes to being the first it means to stand out and face challenges head on, a dead end is simply the means for a new solution. Just because something has never been done does not mean it is impossible, and that is what “Be The First” means to me. If it has never been done, then I will be the one to do it.

Alli Lipsky AC 23

To “Be the First” means to me being the first to try something new even if it is out of your comfort zone.  This correlated to my life the second I decided to move away from home. I am the oldest child meaning I was the first to leave my family for college and as much as I miss them deeply and my house where I was so comfortable, moving away was the best thing I have done for myself. I decided to rush in the Fall of 2023 and as much as the process seemed intimidating at first, I went in with a positive mindset knowing being myself would help me pave the way to where I should end up. The second I walked into ADPi I knew this was my home away from home as I was greeted with so much kindness and knew this is where I would find my best friends whom I am so happy to call sisters. If I didn’t decide to take that leap of faith moving away my life would be so different, but I have found that home is who you surround yourself with and does not have to be only where a house is. I will continue to “Be the First” and try new things as you never know the opportunities that can arise out of it, for instance meeting my best friends in ADPi.