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Bid Day for Primary Recruitment, Fall 2023.

Bid Day for Spring COB Recruitment, Spring 2024.

A Letter From Our Director of Primary Recruitment

Welcome to the next chapter of your life! Deciding to participate in formal recruitment is a huge,nerve-wracking step in your college career. However, there truly is nothing to be afraid of!

When I first stepped through the doors of Alpha Delta Pi, I could see myself as one of them. Even though I was nervous, all the conversations flowed so easily and I could feel the instant connections with everyone I talked with. When I left Alpha Delta Pi that day, I knew I was home.

If I could offer a piece of advice, I would definitely suggest to just be yourself! I know everyone says it, but they really are telling the truth. I’m a firm believer in whatever is meant to happen, will happen. Although it’s cliche and sometimes difficult, trust the process. Step into each round of recruitment as your true, authentic self and you will connect with the right people. Talk about the topics you like to talk about, or topics that you have fun with. If you have fun during the process, the results will reflect that.

Formal recruitment not only gave me some of my best friends ever, but truly helped me learn more about myself and break out of my comfort zone. Participating in this experience as a potential new member was life-changing, and I am forever grateful for it.

I am so excited to lead my chapter to make this experience as positive and rewarding as possible. I look forward to meeting in August and cannot wait to show you how much Alpha Delta Pi means to me,and hopefully one day, it will mean just as much to you!


Reese Anderson

Continuous Open Recruitment: An Alternative to Primary Recruitment

Hi everyone! My name is Riley Heuck, I am from Fishers, Indiana, and I am currently a sophomore majoring in medicine. Alpha Delta Pi has been one of the greatest things to ever happen to me. I have found my lifelong best friends, and my future bridesmaids. The past two years have been the best, and most rewarding years of my life, and I would do it a million times over if I had the chance.

Currently, I am serving as the Open Recruitment Specialist. My position oversees planning Continuous Open Recruitment (COR), which is an informal recruitment process to expand our sisterhood. We participate in COR in the Fall following formal recruitment, and then again in the Spring soon after we get back from Winter break! In the weeks leading up to our events, we send out interest forms and texts to individuals who may be interested.

The biggest piece of advice I would give to PNM’s who are going through COR would be to not take everything so seriously, and just be yourself! I know that sounds extremely cliche, but really, we just want to get to know you! The Continuous Open Recruitment process is much more laid back, and you get to interact with the members in a comfortable environment! I love COR because both the chapter members and Potential New Members are much more comfortable, and conversations typically last longer because you aren’t under a time constraint.

Have fun with it and make the most out of this experience!


Riley Heuck

Still don’t know if formal recruitment is for you?

Here’s some advice from our sisters:

What will being in a sorority do for me?

Participating in recruitment has been one of the greatest decisions I have ever made, as joining a strong, caring, welcoming, and empowering group of women has enriched my life and my college experience.

Throughout the recruitment process, I searched for a group of women who could lift me up and allow me to be the best version of myself. When I walked through the doors of Alpha Delta Pi, I felt just that. The warm feeling inside and the smile that never left my face as I talked to some women made me feel at home. Every day, I was over the moon to walk back into Alpha Delta Pi and surround myself with the chapter’s loyal, funny, and confident women.

Alpha Delta Pi has provided me with many opportunities, friendships, a home away from home, and a place to be myself. I have met women I know will be my bridesmaids, future aunties, and life-long sisters. The recruitment process may be challenging for some, but it will be fulfilling in the end. I am forever grateful that it brought me to Alpha Delta Pi, and the memories that will last a lifetime.

- Julia Schaefer (AC’ 21)

Is it Normal to be Nervous for Recruitment?

Recruitment can be daunting and overwhelming, and if you're anything like me it can cause you a lot of anxiety. It can be tiring thinking you need to fit a mold of someone you think sororities want you to be. The best thing you can do to make recruitment less stressful, is to make sure to BE YOURSELF. Although it may sound cheesy, you will always end up where you are meant to be. Stay true to yourself, breathe, and don't overthink it. Just remember the famous words of Hannah Montana, “you will always find your way back home”. We can't wait to meet you!

-Emily Stucky (AC ‘23)

What should I talk about during recruitment?

YOU! It’s all about you! We want to know everything about you, in moderation of course. What I mean by that is, tell me everything that you feel comfortable sharing with me and the rest of the girls you talk to. Tell us about your best friend, what you like to do when you’re bored at home, or even what your favorite childhood memory is. I know we’ve all heard rumors about what NOT to say during recruitment, so I’d say to just avoid touchy subjects, and follow your gut. If you wouldn’t say it in front of your grandma, it’s probably not the best topic for the conversation at hand. We’re just here to have a normal conversation with you, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself!

- Shelby Capell (AC ‘18)

What are the long-term benefits of Greek life?

From being a potential new member, to a recruiter, to a recruitment chair, I strongly believe that recruitment has helped me to become a pro at networking. I never expected it, but participating in recruitment each year really prepared me for job interviews and taught me confidence. Recruitment is selling our amazing sisterhood to potential new members, and the skills I developed are now translatable,  helping me succeed in a career in sales.  Not only did recruitment help me realize I’d be well suited for sales, it taught me the importance of intrinsic encouragement and motivation for myself and others. It has taught me the values of teamwork and productivity that I can take with me in my career post-college. I always say I wouldn’t be the outgoing, gritty person I am today if it wasn’t for my recruitment experiences and I encourage everyone who is going through it to really take those conversation skills and apply them in the real world. 

- Nicole Ben-Nun (Alumni)

You can learn more about formal recruitment by visiting the University of Arizona’s Panhellenic homepage here.