A Letter From Our Director of Facility Management

Hello everyone,

My name is Emily Caruso, and I have the honor of being the Director of Facility Management for Alpha Delta Pi at the University of Arizona. In my role, I have the privilege of collaborating closely with our dedicated House Director and House Corporation to ensure that our sorority house meets the needs of our members in every aspect. Together, we ensure that every aspect of our house, from its physical upkeep to the delicious meals served within its walls, is thoughtfully curated to meet the needs and desires of our members.

I also have the privilege of collaborating with our amazing kitchen staff, including Chef Kenny, who consistently deliver a diverse array of meals and delightful treats for our members. Additionally, we collaborate to ensure that one sister per week has the opportunity to select a meal of her choice, for the chapter to enjoy.

Living in the Alpha Delta Pi house has been an incredible experience for me. It has been a joy to grow closer to my sisters through shared laughter, support, and unforgettable moments. From sisterhood events to late-night movie marathons, the memories created within these walls are truly unmatched. Our Alpha Delta Pi house isn’t just a building; it’s a home with endless laughs, memories, and bonds. Here, new connections are constantly made, alongside the countless lifelong friendships that have been formed.


Emily Caruso

Why Should You Consider Living In?

When you become a member of Alpha Delta Pi, you’re already guaranteed close knit friendships with amazing girls. However, living in takes those friendships to a whole new level. Living in a house with over fifty of your best friends means a lot of things but for one: NEVER. ENDING. SLEEPOVER. Whether you’re watching The Bachelor in the Lion’s Den or riding mattresses down the front staircase (sorry Bird!), living in is always tons of fun. Suddenly you get to experience everything with your sisters, even the not-so-great of times. Throughout your collegiate years, life can spring on some pretty difficult obstacles. Alpha Delta Pi is the best place to come home to for COMFORT and SUPPORT after a long, hard day. You can always count on your sisters to cheer you up.

On the other hand, we all need our PERSONAL SPACE once in a while. Although you will share your room with a couple of your friends, you won’t need to sacrifice your alone time. One perk about living in is the abundance of fun rooms throughout the house. From the living room, to the tanning porch, to the back patio, the house has all the space in the world. Not to mention, the Lion’s Den is equipped with comfy couches, fuzzy blankets, and a collection of our all time favorite DVD’s.

One misconception about living in is that it will get in the way of your ACADEMICS. However, this couldn’t be the farthest thing from the truth. In the study room, desks and whiteboards and silence are all there to help members prepare for big exams. Your sisters will become built in STUDY BUDDIES. Our varying interests come in handy a lot in regard to schoolwork because if you’re ever struggling in a class, you can always find an expertise sister to help you out. Members of Alpha Delta Pi know that academics always come first, so we’re always HOLDING EACH OTHER ACCOUNTABLE.

Lastly, the CONVENIENCY of living in is unmatched. It is inexpensive compared to alternative living options near the U of A. Alpha Delta Pi is right in the vicinity of campus and is only a short walk to most academic buildings. Not to mention, the cleaning and dining perks are unbeatable. Our Chef, Chaz, cooks ten meals per week and specializes in everything from quesadillas to Belgian waffles to noodle bowls! What more could you possibly need ?!

Hear From our Live-ins About what it’s Really Like to Live-in


Ava Mizrahi (AC ‘22)

Living in the house was the best decision I ever made. From living in, I have met my forever friends and grown close with so many amazing women. I lived in my sophomore year and am living in again my junior year and wouldn't want it any other way. My big, Kate, also lived in the house with me and it has been so incredible to be able to bond with her and get closer. My favorite parts of living in are the spontaneous movie nights, late night drives, playing spikeball on the lawn, and just hanging out with my best friends all the time. We all are so grateful to have met each other through living in the house.


Karysa Carson (AC ‘19)

I have been fortunate enough to live in the house for the past two years and it has been the most amazing experience of my life. I feel so thankful to have been able to develop lifelong friendships and it has made my time at the University of Arizona a lot better. Alpha Delta Pi has been my constant throughout college, and this is because of the friendships I’ve created while living in the house. 1443 E 1st St will always be my home. I’m going to miss it so so much!

Miranda Romo (AC ‘20)

Living in the ADPi house has been one of the best experiences of my life. Imagine living with 50 of your closest friends. impromptu movie nights, and endless afternoons laying in the sun blasting music until the sun goes down. college is unlike anytime in your life that you will experience and living in the house has just continued to make my time at the U of A unforgettable. The live-ins are more than just my best friends, they’re family. They've seen me at my best and at my worst but no matter what the unwavering support I have received from all of my sisters is unmatched. I can't imagine my life without ADPi and without all of the late night conversations and bonds that will stand the test of time.