Postcards from ADPi: A Summer Abroad

Buongiorno from Verona, Italy!

Throughout the summer, I have had the incredible opportunity to study abroad in Verona, Italy, through the Mediterranean Diet and Health program. Living in a residential apartment with 40 classmates, we were immersed in Italian culture while learning about preventative health through food. We had an hour-long lecture every morning on the biochemical components of our ingredients of the day, and then we would either go to a palace for a cooking class or observe part of the farm-to-table chain at farms and production centers.

Throughout the month abroad, our cohort became so close to each other, primarily through our conviviality dinner, where we sang and danced with our professors all night. We also took an overnight class trip to the Dolomites, where we hiked through the mountains to learn the history of villages and their unique cuisines. Since our cohort became so close, we traveled throughout Europe on the weekends together. I visited Switzerland, Florence, Lake Garda, Lake Como, Venice, and Milan.

I also had the opportunity to participate in the University of Arizona’s study abroad social media ambassador program, where I could share my adventures with the school and inspire more people to branch out and go abroad. My month in Verona was a priceless experience, and I am excited to bring back what I learned to my sisters to encourage health and longevity of life through food!

Isabella Merzoian, AC ‘23 :)


Diamond Series: ADPi Scores Big for the RMHC